Thursday, February 10, 2011

MasterAppears is for Micro Buisnesses

My daughter loves skating.  She skates on a competitive team and takes private lessons several times a week.  She is awesome and so are her coaches.

My kids all went to a private day-care provider.  She is a lovely person and we were so lucky to have found her.

The woman who cuts my hair is outstanding.  I never tell her what to do...she just knows.

All of these people are an important part of our daily lives, and all of them have one thing in common - they deal in cash.

Cash is simple for the service provider, but us customers sometimes get squeezed.  There are times I'm running late to my hair appointment, and have to run later because I need to go to the cash machine.  Sometimes we don't get invoices from our coaches for months at a time then WHAM, we get hit with three months worth of lessons.  Our kids didn't always go every day to daycare.  We never received an invoice.  Instead, we were faced with awkward conversations about what she thought we owed.

There has to be a better way!

What if independent service providers could sign up to a service and connect with their customers?  What if these service providers could share a calendar with their customers showing dates of service, fees, and eventually create an invoice on those items?  What if customer knew what they were going to be charged ahead of time?  What if both parties could be messaged ahead of time to let them know that an appointment is coming up.

Well, now there is a better way.  It's called, pricing, invoicing, online payments, reminders.  Simple.

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